Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Victims of Hyperreality

The worldly function of service is focused on the benefit of the company and the selling of the product they are endorsing. A result of this would be one of the reasons why people create a hyperreality. People create a fake reality that exceeds a person's expectations from everyday life to satisfy their need for a better, more ideal reality than what is the everyday norm and struggle. Hyperreality is also created to justify certain morals that have not been commonly accepted yet. Let's take the concept of love as it is portrayed in movies today. How do we define love? Is it just for the fact that you admire a person for certain things you see in them? Isn't there a standard by which true love is really measured? I believe, yes. But in the movie Juno, love is portrayed differently. Juno had sex with Bleeker and became pregnant at a very young age & both were obviously unstable and at a shaky stage of their life, both without a real commitment (marriage). It's not till after they had sex that Juno goes and tells Bleeker that she loves him and says, "I think, I'm like, in love with you. No, like, for real, cause you're like the coolest person I've ever met and you don't even have to try." Well, if we base it on the Bible's standards, this is definitely not a real justification of love, maybe admiration, but not love. See how hyperreality has corrupted our world and made it fake? Our emotions are now so based off of different, maybe even lower, standards. But that's what hyperreality does, it changes how reality really should be and the standards of it. Also, what this hyperreality fails to show is that it's not always a positive outcome that will arrive on everyone. They show a happy ending in the end because come on, it's a movie. If there was a real teen out there who was in the same situation, things could be totally different for him/her.
Another example would be the concept of family. Instead of the father, mother and children making up the family, hyperreality tells us another thing. In the movie Teen Titans, Raven says, "You may have created me. But you were never my father...I was raised by my friends. They are my family. This is my home. And you are not welcome here!" In hyperreality a family now can be your little circle of friends. What people fail to see is the real reality because television only shows the good things about being in that type of relationship and this does not even apply to everyone when in reality there are much more problems and ethical violations that are not recognized. I think hyperreality has increased our possibility to "dream" and i mean like float away from the real thing, and just miss the point. We've based our own true reality on this fake reality that we don't even really know what's what and what is supposed to be anymore... and this is all just for the attempt to entertain people, make them believe in something that's not real and create this fake world.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Postmodernism Crisis

I think we are and we are not in a crisis of postmodernism because first of all, we do live in a postmodern world so in a sense we are postmodern wether we like it or not. The difference is we have Biblical standards that we rely on and bas our thoughts, decisions and actions on. So we are not fully let out on our own in this postmodern world, we are somehow guided. As Christians we believe there are absolute truths and that it's not all in a relative subjective perspective. So I think there is a crisis going on, and we blend into that crisis. But the thing is we can choose not to blend in and stand according to the absolute moral truths, not just whatever works for whoever.

Brianna's Questions

Brianna wrote "My first question is Does King Claudius think that Hamlet is on to him? Cause as soon as the play ends he wants Hamlet taken away to England. The second question is why didn't Hamlet just kill his uncle?"

I think Claudius is not fully aware that Hamlet is on to him because he thinks that Hamlet is partly insane but i think he slightly thinks that Hamlet is a threat to him because if his secret was revealed, then Hamlet would take his throne and he would be proclaimed a murderer. So Claudius just wants to let all the issues die and send Hamlet away to stop the issue about the death of the king.

Hamlet just didnt kill his uncle because he caught Claudius praying for forgiveness when he was alone. Hamlet wants to kill Claudius when he is not praying and when he has no chance of going to heaven or being forgiven of his sins. He will kill Claudius when he is upto his dirty deeds again.

Hamlet loved Ophelia?

I dont think Hamlet really loved Ophelia because if he really did, he would not call her a whore and treat her the way he did. He just wont stop insulting her by calling her a whore and making her feel bad about herself and also her father. And so, if also he was just "pretend-crazy" then why won't he choose to be sane for Ophelia if he really loved her. So I dont think he really loved her or else he would'nt just throw the love away.

T.S. Elliot Poem

I think the poem written by T.S. Elliot about love demonstrates and shows a more realistic truth about love because it shows both sides of love, not just the

"ah, I'm so happy with my relationship"
"everything is perfect"
"As long as i have you i dont need money, cars, anything because you're my everything"
"you and me against the world"

type of love.
Face it, love is not just that.

Usually the common idea that comes into people's head when they think about "love" is that it gives a person the feeling of bliss and a sense of "completeness" because of the connection each other think they have with one another and while they are in that state, their relationship is the most perfect thing in the world and it just satisfies them to the fullest. Well T.S. Elliot takes a different view and shows that love can be chaotic and confusing. This is represented in his staggered writing that he uses and how the stanzas are structured all differently, kinda all over the place. His word choice also exemplifies this chaos going on and this is what he is trying to illustrate about the whole concept.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

HAPPY ENDINGS [Metafiction?!]

So much for endings. Beginnings are always more fun. True connoisseurs,
however, are known to favor the stretch in between, since it's the hardest to do anything with.
That's about all that can be said for plots, which anyway are just one thing
after another, a what and a what, and a what.
Now try How and Why.
The last paragraph is metaficitional because it self-consciously addresses its status posing questions about the relaionship between fiction and reality. The last paragraph lets the reader know that the story knows and is aware of what it's talking about because it comments on itself. What this does for the story is that it makes it more postmodern because in addition to having no real & consistent plot, it affirms the ability of the writer to change whatever ending he wants it to be and give his subjective thoughts.


Jack Sparrow is postmodern because he relies on himself too much and he doesnt want anybody to tell him what to do. He rejects others trying to enforce their own values on him and he lives reality according to his own truths and what works for himself

Friday, January 11, 2008


Well, last last Monday i bumped into this girl at walmart who i heard was talking bad stuff about one of my friends but i really did not know if that was true since i didnt really know her. We just knew each other by face from a couple of times seeing each other and that's about it. So i saw her and she saw me and you know when you have that feeling that you know a person wants to say something but they just dont have the courage to be the first to speak up i guess, well that was her. So i walked up to her and i said hi with a big smile and i was thinking in my head oh no she is going to diss me or something but i was wrong she responded back with a smile and then she went off about the whole issue that was going on i didnt even have to say much. And so now, we figured things out and we're friends now so i'm glad i stepped out and took that risk of talking even though i had some sort of fear of rejection or whatever.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Horatio's response

I think Horatio's response was approving because if he was disapproving then i think he would have said more about them. Since they are not essential and just tools and really minor to the story i think it just makes sense that they are given less attention and showed no great significance which also makes me think why Horatio would be approving of it and not disapproving